On 22 January 2025, PSU Pattani Campus officially launched the Premium T-VER Carbon Credit Project to restore mangrove forests around Blue Lake. This initiative aims to create a dynamic learning space, foster knowledge development, nurture human resources, and generate carbon credits to support the goal of carbon neutrality. The event featured a welcome address by Asst. Prof. Dr. Bordin Waelateh, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Affairs, Pattani Campus. Attendees included government officials, deans, directors, faculty members, staff, and students from all five PSU campuses, participating both online and on-site.
This project is a collaborative effort between PSU and Pattani Province to enhance the capacity of the Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment in advancing climate change initiatives at the provincial level during the 2023 and 2024 fiscal years. The initiative is financially supported by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization).
PSU Pattani Campus has been recognized as a model for achieving carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions. As part of this initiative, the campus has established the Premium T-VER carbon credit plot in the Blue Lake area, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable environmental practices.